Tuesday 21 August 2012

Support Me!!! :)

Please support me as I take part in the Hands-Down- a-Thon and try to go 2 months without pulling!!

Monday 13 August 2012

Boy Troubles

When you first see me, you cannot tell I have Trich. It's not the obvious and I hide it very well. But after awhile you might notice I wear a head band every day or I try to change the subjects when you mention my hair. You may notice I am very self concious about my hair and my looks.

I think I'm a pretty girl or I would be if I had hair. And I am pretty easy to talk to. So guys talk to be. Its great the first time. After awhile I completely freak out. Who would want me? I don't want to push by problem on somebody else and it would be nice to have a boyfriend. I mean, I never had one. I haven't even had my first kiss for crying out loud! And I blame it all on Trich. Trich can control everything. It sucks.

Friday 3 August 2012

Update....August 2012

At this stage in my life with Trich I am doing... what's the right word... Stable? I mean, I still pull occasionally but its not enough to show. My hair is growing back slowing. It's mostly the front that is damaged, and recovering slowly. I wear a headband everyday. The back of my hair is full, almost shoulder length, I just pull it back in a bun. I am getting nervous, I am on summer break which it why I am doing okay. However, I am starting university in the fall and I am worried that I am going to start pulling more and what people will think. It's just another mountain I'm going to have to climb.