Wednesday 16 January 2013

New Years

New Years Eves always make me sad. It just reminds me how I failed, yet again, to accomplish my goal of stop pulling my hair. And yet again, I make a new years resolution to stop pulling. Then the next day I pull, and give up, just to add to the disappointment.
I should make better goals. I need to stop thinking about a new year as a failure but as a new opportunity to do better and try harder. I'm going to make small goals for myself. A counsellor once told me that it takes 30 days to break a habit. That was 4 years ago which was the last time I went pull free for a long time. So let me do this again! I am going to start with half a day goals and work my way up to 30 days. LETS DO THIS :)

1 comment:

  1. I had a counselor who suggested hourly goals and rewarding yourself. As a music lover, for each hour pull free I popped my ear buds in :)
