Saturday 28 April 2012


Having my hands occupied
Deep breathing for 30 seconds
Stop 'n Grow on my nails
Practise mindfulness to be aware of my hands
Sewing, Rug making
Stress relief techniques
Phoning my buddy
Being involved and active
Sorting my sewing box while watching TV
Plasters on my fingertips
Taking a hot bath
Silly Putty, slime or goo
Colouring or drawing
Wet hair
Going out somewhere public
Exposure to Sunlight
Squeezing a stress ball
Playing my hypnotherapy CD
Leave in conditioner
Signing in to the chatroom
Playing with Beanies
Working out
Keeping a diary of how I feel
Forgive past mistakes
Going outside
Free acceptance of my condition
Watching trich videos on YouTube beckie0 <3
Rubicks cubes
Soft mascara that doesn't clump
Asking for what I want.
Wearing a hat
Getting physical with my partner
Going for a walk (free)
Eating bananas
Shaving my head! (extreme I know)
Reading trich blogs - trichsterknitster <3
Record keeping
My personal Trichnotherapy coach
Staying away from people who put me down
Stroking a pet
Pairing my socks while watching TV
Studying at the library rather than home
Wearing gloves
SkyTrichster's Trichster Tool Bag
Talking to other trichsters on the forums
Not being alone
Having my brows professionally shaped
Think about people who love me for who I am
Plenty of sleep
Spinner ring to fiddle with discretely
Eat sprouted seeds & stroke them on my lips
Playing good music and dancing or singing
Numbing cream on my eyebrows reduces my urges to pull them
Throwing away the tweezers or giving them to someone to hide
Crochet or knitting, tapestry or cross stitch
Stroking a soft paintbrush or makeup brush on my skin or lips
Covering mirrors in my house or putting positive statements on them
Thinking about an event I want to look good at
Writing down how many I pull and what happened just before I pulled
Cutting out sugar, glucose caffeine and popcorn helps me be pull free
Take a shower or run my head under the tap
Wearing clear lens glasses makes me realise when I go to touch my eyes
Covering my scalp with shampoo, lotion and hair conditioner (all mixed)
False fingernails makes gripping impossible Getting a new hair cut, colour or style that I love and don't want to ruin
I only allow myself 30 mins of TV at a time. I can manage to stay pull free for 30 mins
Reading only in public - i.e. on a bench in a park.
making patterns with pins in a pin cushion, then pulling them out and starting over again.
Hand massage with oils: I don't want to get grease in my hair and it makes my fingers slippy!
Removing mascara with remover AS SOON as I get home
My best tip is to play games on a computer or phone it keeps you occupied and your fingers going
If I start picking at my mascara, I have to remove it immediately with lotion to stop me losing lashes
Getting up and doing something to take my mind off it
Claw thumb rings which are brilliant as when you put them on there is no way in the world you can pull
Hair Dryer: When my hair is freshly dyed, it is sleek and silky. No coarse bits for my hands to be attracted to.
Social networking like Facebook & Twitter Using my head massager before bed seems to be helping me to have more peaceful sleeps and prevent pulling Eating a pomegranate. It takes AGES and you can watch a whole film while picking at the seeds. Sunflower seeds also occupy the hands.
Getting up and moving about as soon as my hands go there I keep my correspondence in a box by the television so I can write cheques, pay bills and write envelopes while watching. Put a few pics of people with nice hair up in places I look at often so I can have something to aspire to
Writing down why I hate trich and why my life will be better without it
Painting my nails: I don't want to smudge it by pulling! I keep my nail polishes by the TV. Polishing my nails gives me time to refocus on something else and forget my urge

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