Saturday 19 January 2013

Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Ep 11

So the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy had a girl with trichotillomania in it! The episode was called 'The End is the Beginning is The End'
The girl was quiet and shy and worked hard a school. She didn't have bald spots, she had a full head of hair which is okay, but I would have liked it if she did. But of course, us Trichsters do whatever we can to hide our damage. This girl ate her hair and had to have surgery. After the surgery there was a good dialect about Trichotillomania, which I approve.
So what will this mean for us? I wonder if my friend's will pick up on it. One of them did. But I think because the girl didn't have bald spots/ wearing a headband maybe people won't connect it.
The word about Trichotillomania is spreading.
Sometimes I don't want people to know, I like to be under the radar and not draw attention to myself.
On the other had, I want people to know about it, to understand, and accept.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

New Years

New Years Eves always make me sad. It just reminds me how I failed, yet again, to accomplish my goal of stop pulling my hair. And yet again, I make a new years resolution to stop pulling. Then the next day I pull, and give up, just to add to the disappointment.
I should make better goals. I need to stop thinking about a new year as a failure but as a new opportunity to do better and try harder. I'm going to make small goals for myself. A counsellor once told me that it takes 30 days to break a habit. That was 4 years ago which was the last time I went pull free for a long time. So let me do this again! I am going to start with half a day goals and work my way up to 30 days. LETS DO THIS :)