Thursday 12 April 2012

Loss of Hope

Do you ever have one of those days where you have the feeling of hopelessness. I often get those. Some days I get so overwhelmed with stress that I can't see past my thoughts.
I feel so low and helpless.
Sometimes, as selfish as it is, I feel alone; as if nobody understands me. 
I can't get over these thoughts:
          I'm ugly
          Nobody will marry me
          I'll never get over this
          I'll always be bald
          My children, if I have any, will think I'm ugly
          I'll never be successful because I have this
I'm sure any woman had these thoughts. The thing is, you can't let these thoughts control you. Personally, I have done so much. People can be cruel but sometimes they can be kind. I have overcome so many things just by simply believing that I am beautiful and that what people think doesn't matter. Doesn't mean that when I am doing things that expose me and my Trich that I don't constantly think about it. I often wonder if people are looking at my hair but I just carry on. There's never a day that does by that I don't have negative thoughts or I don't worry about my hair. It's constantly in the back of my mind. There's really nothing I can do about it but let it grow.
However, I have been blessed by being able to go to a high school with so much support and caring people. I don't know how I would survive if I didn't have these people around me. I hope that anybody who suffers from Trich has somebody. In my research and experience the shyest, kindest and quietest people have Trich. We need people to support us and stand up for us.

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